What is the IC-3Rs?
The Innovation Centre 3Rs (IC-3Rs) is a scientific platform at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) that promotes the implementation of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) in scientific research by using state-of-the-art technology and New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). IC-3Rs was created through the generosity of Mireille Aerens. She decided to donate a part of her wealth to the VUB. In 2015, she created the ‘Chair Mireille Aerens for the Development of Alternative Methods’ with Vera Rogiers (IVTD) as chairholder. As the dedicated founder of the chair, Mireille Aerens closely followed up the 3R-research of young scientists. In 2017, she helped to launch the IC-3Rs platform at the VUB. Thanks to her personal engagement, the Mireille Aerens Chair and the IC-3Rs platform will continue and grow for many years to come. This beautiful gesture reflects her attitude to life. We will all remember her exceptional kindness and generosity.

Who is Mireille Aerens?
Mireille Aerens is a very friendly person with a warm heart, not only for humans, but also for animals. She decided to donate a part of her wealth to the VUB. In 2015, she created the ‘Chair Mireille Aerens for the Development of Alternative Methods’ with Vera Rogiers (IVTD) as chairholder. As the dedicated founder of the chair, Mireille Aerens closely followed up the 3R-research of young scientists. In 2017, she helped to launch the IC-3Rs platform at the VUB.
Mireille sadly left us on 30 March 2020 on the age of 86. We lost a very dear and loyal friend, and will definitely continue her life’s work at the VUB. She made this possible in her last will, wherein she maintained her support for animal-free studies within the research group IVTD. Thanks to her personal engagement, the Mireille Aerens Chair and the IC-3Rs platform will continue and grow for many years to come. This beautiful gesture reflects her attitude to life. We will all remember her exceptional kindness and generosity.

IC-3Rs wants to advance human health and contribute to animal welfare. The ultimate goal is to replace animal tests by alternative methods whenever scientifically sound. We support the use of alternative methods that are evidence-based. IC-3Rs aims to collaborate with scientists, public research institutes, industry, funding organisations, regulatory authorities and animal welfare bodies, including the Chair Mireille Aerens, the Brussels Region and Flanders Animal Welfare to increase the awareness about the 3R-principles, offer training and practical support in their application and develop new in vitro methodologies as alternatives to animal testing.
Focus of the IC-3Rs platform is specifically on the following objectives:
- Inform academia, industry and society about the importance of the 3R-principles through public lectures, social media and an easily accessible 3R-website;
- Work with regulatory authorities to implement 3Rs better into legislation and inform the public. A part of the IC-3Rs website is specifically dedicated to the Brussels Region;
- Further develop the knowledge base Re-Place which centralizes NAMs for which expertise exists in Belgium.
Steering Committee

Prof. Em. Vera Rogiers
VUB, Emeritus Professor Toxicology, Co-Chair of IC-3Rs

Prof. Tamara Vanhaecke
VUB, Professor Toxicology, Head of IVTD, Co-Chair IC-3Rs

Prof. Peter in ’t Veld
VUB, Pro-Dean

Prof. Joery De Kock
VUB, Vice-chair Animal Welfare

Dr. Stef Aerts
Odisee Hogeschool, BE

Prof. Ellen Fritsche
University of Düsseldorf, DE

Prof. José Castell
University of Valencia, ES

Dr. Bernward Garthoff